Yoga Therapy

“Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress towards improved health and well-being through the application of the philosophy and practice of Yoga.”

International Association of Yoga Therapists

Yoga Therapy works specifically with addressing individual needs, aims and requirements.

In yoga therapy philosophical models such as the Pancha Vayu (5 winds) and the Koshas (sheaths/layers) are used as a framework to work within.

The Doshas (constitutions), ones nature, is observed and explored and a picture builds as to what is actually being expressed. Imbalances are revealed which offers direction as to which way to work with someone in order to support their goal and or healing.

Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga and is woven all the way through offering a wider scope of awareness to ultimately support the client with exactly where they are.

Working with these understandings and alongside what is detailed in yogic texts such as Patanjali’s yoga sutras as well as drawing from science; yoga therapy offers an approach that is completely personal and holistic.

These ancient frameworks offer grounding and critical thought as to how to work with an individual and positively effect the body systems required to generate the change seeked by the individual.

Once paying particular attention to individual constitutions, patterns + habits a truly unique practice is formulated.

This personal practice can consist of several different elements for example asana (movement), mantra (chanting), pranayama (breath work), dhyana (meditation) and more.

Lifestyle advice can also be given.

Tiffany is a trainee yoga therapist receiving regular supervision.

It is important to note that while she is not qualified as a therapist yet her current training as a yoga therapist is informing much of her current work as a yoga teacher, so to expect a therapeutic approach to her teaching is to be expected.

To work one to one please visit the 1:1 page here