Welcome to Sacred Story Studio

Welcome to Sacred Story Studio

Welcome to Sacred Story Studio Welcome to Sacred Story Studio

Therapeutic Yoga + Somatics Studio in Hove, East Sussex

Bespoke home studio supporting you on your journey of practicing the healing arts of yoga + somatics. Improving health + wellbeing.

If you are experiencing postural problems, poor health, unresolved trauma, feelings of overwhelm, anxiety and or simply wanting to cultivate more ease you have landed in the right place.

“The essence of every experience is wound up within the body displaying a unique map of our existence and perpetuating cycles. Feeling into the fabric of our stories, the crux of our experiences we soon begin to unravel + release.”

“Every message received + action made has created an imprint, a groove; an indentation. Through the practice of yoga we integrate presence + soften these grooves.”

“During practice we begin to strengthen, stabilise + mobilise where perhaps disassociation and disconnection once served as protection. In this unraveling there is reconnection. There is healing.”

“A careful cultivation of presence forms & awareness of these grooves, these patterns begin to emerge. Old stories within the mind can begin to rise as the superficial chatter dissipates.”

“This steady process governs self awareness and encourages the associated trapped emotions to pass through leaving you with spaciousness + ease.”









Yoga + Somatics + Healing + Therapy +